I'll be chipping away at filling this out for a while, but might as well get going on my own list. Longwindedness will probably follow xP
Member Awards-Friendliest Member:Tesok: Hard not to love the lizard when he's around. He's a great, lighthearted guy and it's fun to have him around. Very hands-on and eager to help new people when the need arises.
Dutch: It'd probably be easier to count the people that don't know Dutch than the ones that do. An old mainstay on the site, and has his hands in a little bit of everything, and willing to work with just about anyone.
Ash: Need a thread? Chances are Ash is willing to help you out, when he's not away for his service. Easy to talk to, and more than willing to get involved and engaged with anyone. Awesome qualities to have.
Funniest Member:sparrow: I'm petty sure I nominate sparrow for this every year, and things haven't changed much. He's still got that special kind of snark that's more or less his exclusively, and some of his hijinks through last year have been
awesomeFromikeable: FROBAIT HOO HA HA is awesome. It was honestly hard to decide whether to put him here or in friendliest, because I feel like he easily fits in both. But, that said, few members make me laugh as much, or as easily as he does.
Most helpful member:Dutch: A lot of this echoes what I said in my other nomination, but if someone needs a hand, Dutch is pretty much always willing to help in what ways he can.
Meira: Sometimes admins can seem a bit unapproachable, but I don't think Miera has that quality. She's been a tremendous help to me personally, and I think anyone who asks for help could say the same.
Mara: Hard to argue against her helpfulness, and though she's been hamstrung lately by a busted computer (I know that feel...) she still tries to help in what capacities she can, when she can. Few examples stand out in this as much as her long-ongoing name generator thread, or general helpfulness in answering questions if she happens to be around.
Best profile. (sig, avatar, personal text, etc.):Cain: More active toward the beginning of '13, though rumor has it he's planning a return (*_*), but I
still am madly in love with that signature.
Member of the Year:Dutch- Dutch has been awesome this year. Plotting, helping around the site, keeping old and new faces alike engaged in the story - he's done a little bit of everything. There's nothing more I can say than that this dude's been an integral part of things, and I'm sure we'll all be better off when his net returns again.
Best Tech: Coolest Custom Species:Most Improved Writer:Baba Yaga: I've written with the lovely gospol here for twooo years now, I think, and she's constantly improving. Most notably, she did a wonderful job in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, which is certainly one of the more action/conflict-heavy threads I've seen her in since her arrival. She also stepped quite comfortably into the role of an antagonist (though I suppose that depends on the character's point of view =P) and pulled it off splendidly.
Jazen/FZ: FZ's my oldest RP partner on the site, which is somewhat amusing to think about. But in the years and countless threads that I've written with him, he's shown a general, constant improvement. And though he wasn't lighting the charts on fire with activity in 2013, when he did post, he continued to show the same steady, measured improvement. He's grown much better at fitting into his characters' skin and breathing life into them and their motivations, and I think that's worth recognizing.
Best Overall Writer:dreadpiratemike: One of my tests for how much I like writing with someone is the question "Do I enjoy my characters losing to/getting beat up by theirs?" In maik's case, the answer is a resounding yes. He's still fairly new to us here, but he's a tremendously talented writer with an excellent eye for detail, flow and staying true to his character's ideals, traits and goals. I can't help but look forward to his continued involvementment here on SWU, not only in my own threads with him, but in seeing him continue to work with our other writers.
Dutch: He's an idea
machine. General awesome- and friendliness aside, dude's an excellent writer that has a knack for bringing plots and characters to life. I feel that the sign of a good writer doesn't come only from the amount of the effectiveness of details in their posts, or their characters alone - though Dutch excels in these areas - but the type of stories they can dream up to tell with those characters. Some of the most incredible,
interesting plots and threads we've had in the last year, whether they fall under the DLA's ongoing struggle, the continued Mandalorian resurgence, or the Sith and their politicking (or a certain Sith's capture), have had either originated in Dutch's head or have been shaped or had a lot of flavor added, thanks to him.
Meira: I feel like a lot of what I've said for Dutch and maik could be echoed for Meira. She's always been an incredibly-awesome person to write with, and 2013 wasn't any different. She's a wonderful person to plot with, and her small army of characters covers a
huge range of archetypes, with her own little twist or flair applied to each. And speaking personally, I've particularly enjoyed watching the relationship between Renata and Nieraan develop as it has, and am absolutely looking forward to continued developments that are on the horizon. She brings a certain touch to bear that no other character does, and I think Meira pulls it off perfectly.
Character Awards-Coolest Character:Jaidan Shatani: Jaidan's a kung-fu master, and while the archetype isn't uncommon for Echani, or even Echani Force-users, I feel he does it pretty well. He's adept with, but not the strongest in the Force, but that's alright, cause he'll just beat your face in with his fists or one of his weapons.
And he uses lightfoils!
Wisest Character:Renata: Jedi, and especially older Jedi, typically get mentioned here. But Renata's both a Sith and fairly young. She's consistently adept at navigating the minefield that being one of the more vocal faces of the Sith leadership must be, and handles some firery personalities adeptly.
Scariest Character:Hervor- Saw her go on a rampage once. Wasn't pretty. Not one bit.
Funniest Character:Ruck- I've tried to think of a thoughtful, smart-sounding blurb to put here, but just... Ruck. He's an experience.
Most endearing character:Shine Albartos- He means well, pretty much all the time. Amusing at times, but an easy enough guy to like.
Most Unique Character:Me'alo- Mandalorian heritage doesn't often mix well with a Jedi character, but Mooney's done well :3 Very well.
Heart throb:Levin Caelum- That mullet. That medallion :3
Hot mama:Danica Liviana- Probably biased xP But she's a good'un
Kailani Quix- Saaaame as above
Best Hero/Heroine-- male and female:Dutch Sampson- He's a normal dude leading a struggle against insurmountable odds. The definition of heroic.
Best Baddie-- male and female:Jessoin Zarander- He's loud, he's theatrical, and I quite enjoy him.
Renata- A lot of my earlier comments on her carry over to here. But much love for Renata.
Best Dialogue: Jessoin- I generally enjoy his barbs when the moments present themselves. A few such moments in Know Your Enemy were particularly amusing.
Best Duo:Jaidan Shatani and Anushka Faddei- Much love in reading these two. Much, much love.
Best Group/Team:I've grown to enjoy reading posts from the Jedi trio in Know Your Enemy quite a bit.
I am also generally quite partial to the misadventures of the Jewel crew.
Best Faction/Organization:The DLA- Still gettin' their rebel on. A salute to them.
Sith- Broad vote, but it's the group I've been most active with lately, and I love all of the plotting and machninations constantly going on in the background between all the characters
Best Civilian Character:Danica Liviana- Who else? Proving that civs don't have to be boring, and can indeed get entangled with a faction of less-than-reputable individuals
Best Military Character:I really wish I had a suggestion here >.>
Best Fringer Character:Shanti Bishan- Shanti's a fun one. Young girl trying to make it in a rough Galaxy, and still with a lot to learn. Takes a mature writer to pull off, and Fae does so excellently.
Best Jedi Character:Jazen Solari- Padawans don't tend to last as often as many of us would probably like here, for a number of reasons. To add to that, they can, in some cases, be a bit difficult to pull off consistently. Yet FZ's kept Jazen active for a number of years and keeps him grounded and believable with an appropriate mix of budding cleverness and wisdom and age-appropriate naivety. So hats off to him.
Best Dark Jedi Character:Zarene Yin- She's the most grounded of the main group of younger Sith, and fills her role wonderfully. Sparrow's always had a knack for filling out her steady, militaristic attitude, and it all works out great effect.
Rakesh Skandrannon- Hasn't been as active as I'd like, but I do really like Rakesh. Perhaps because of the role he's set to play in Kvothe's development, but he's a fave. Always has been.
Jack Makara- Quiet, measured, disinterested and cunning. That's Jack. I
wish Cain posted with him more *coughcough* because he's an awesome counterpoint to some of the more brash, up-and-at-em Sith.
Best NPC:Borka- One of Cassius' lackeys, and a man Nieraan loves to hate. Big, seemingly dumb and brash, he's pretty much got that down. Great job by Gospol
Deathjester: Slayer of evil and champion of the light. An favorite character of mine from Thila.
Character of the Year:Cassius Liviana- Cassius has, for me, emerged as central antagonist for Nieraan and Danica, and manages somehow to fit that evil, love-to-hate role despite being higher on the morality scale than Nieraan is. I also can't imagine any father would be
pleased to know their daughter's hooked up with Onin, and I think he encompasses a rather appropriate reaction xP
Jaidan Shatani- Came on in the latter months of the year, but came on strong. Strong writing and excellent characterization have had him in high demand, and I think he's certainly deserving of any and all recognition he earns during these awards.
Jessoin Zarander- Jeeeeeeeess is a dynamic, engaging character that fills his role as a villain wonderfully. Bombast, lust, rage and more, he's covered the range through the year, and can be a thrilling ally to write alongside or a frightening foe. Hats off to Dutch for all the work on him.
Best Storyline:The emerging plot of Jessoin's captivity
fascinates me. I've also liked watching Danica's steady gathering of support among the Sith and making herself a figure among the aristocracy.
Best Battle:Thila? I think it's the only one we've had this year.
Best Duel:Zarene v Jess in Late Night Lessons
Best Post IC:This'un by gospol. It set up a really fun scene during a psychological battle in a thread I really enjoyed. Probably led to one of the more unique things I've written in during the year.
Thread of the Year:The Battle of Thila- Through all its stops and starts, there are some really fun posts. And it's lasted, for better or for worse, for most of '13
A Feast for the Vain- Hate that it petered out but it was
awesome while it was going. Sith in gowns and tuxes at a swanky party? How can you
not love that?